Douglas County Libraries Soars Past 1 Million Digital Checkouts in 2023

For immediate release: January 12, 2024

Douglas County Libraries customers reached a major milestone in 2023: 1.4 million e-books and audiobooks were borrowed during the year. This milestone highlights DCL’s commitment to serving the community in innovative ways, including through its large catalog of e-books, audiobooks, and other digital content.

“We love that we are meeting users where they are, and that we’re providing formats that work for our customers both inside and outside the library,” said DCL Collection Development Librarian Angie Brown.

DCL has offered 24/7 access to e-books and audiobooks through OverDrive and the Libby reading app for many years but saw a 16% increase in checkouts last year, with the library hitting the one-million checkout mark earlier than ever before, in mid-September, Brown said.

DCL’s highest-circulating title in OverDrive was “Fourth Wing” by Rebecca Yarros, in audiobook format. The most popular e-book was “Happy Place” by Emily Henry.

All readers need to access digital books from DCL is a valid library card, and they can use any major device, including Apple, Android, Chromebook and Kindle.

Readers may access DCL’s digital library at or via the library’s catalog.

Douglas County Libraries elevates our community by inspiring a love of reading, discovery and connection.